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Most recent selected peer-reviewed publications

Constante HM, Bastos JL, Ruiz MA. The more you need, the less you get: Intersectionality and the inverse care law in the Brazilian depression care cascade. Ethnicity & Health 2023; 28(4):488-502.

Bastos JL, Fleming E, Haag DG, Schuch HS, Jamieson LM, Constante HM. The relations between systems of oppression and oral care access in the US. Journal of Dental Research 2023; 102(10):1080-1087.

Bastos JL, Constante HM, Schuch HS, Haag DG, Jamieson LM. The mouth as a site of compound injustices: A structural intersectionality approach to the oral health of working-age U.S. adults. American Journal of Epidemiology 2023; 192(4):560-572.

Nath S, Sethi S, Bastos JL, Constante HM, Mejia G, Haag D, Kapellas K, Jamieson LM. The global prevalence and severity of dental caries among racially minoritized children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Caries Research 2023; 57(4):485-508

Bastos JL, Constante HM, Schuch HS, Haag DG, Jamieson LM. How do state-level racism, sexism, and income inequality shape racial inequities in edentulism? Evidence from the United States of America. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 2022; 82 Suppl 1:16-27

Bastos JL, Constante HM, Schuch HS, Haag DG, Nath S, Celeste RK, Guarnizo-Herreño CC, McCallum MJ, Jamieson LM. Where are race-based oral health inequities bound? Protocol for a systematic review on interventions to tackle racial injustice in dental outcomes. Systematic Reviews 2022; 11(1):41.

Nath S, Sethi S, Bastos JL, Constante HM, Kapellas K, Haag D, Jamieson LM. A global perspective of racial-ethnic inequities in dental caries: protocol of systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(3): 1390.


Constante HM, Marinho GL, Bastos JL. The door is open, but not everyone may enter: Racial inequities in healthcare access across three Brazilian surveys. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 2021; 26 (09): 3981-3990.

Bastos JL, Constante HM, Jamieson LM. Making science and doing justice: The need to reframe research on racial inequities in oral health. Community Dental Health 2021 May; 38(2):132-137.

Bastos JL, Constante HM, Jamieson LM. The ethical urgency of tackling racial inequities in health. EClinical Medicine 2021; 34:100816

Constante HM, Bastos JL. Mapping the margins in health services research: How does race intersect with gender, and socioeconomic status to shape difficulty accessing healthcare among unequal Brazilian States? International Journal of Health Services 2021; 51(2):155-166


Bastos JL, Constante HM, Celeste RK, Haag DG, Jamieson LM. Advancing racial equity in oral health (research): more of the same is not enough. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2020; 128(6): 459-466

Constante HM. Racial inequalities in public dental service utilisation: Exploring individual and contextual determinants among middle-aged Brazilian adults. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2020; 48(4): 302-308


Schroeder FC, Constante HM, Kovaleski D, Boing A, Freitas SFT, Bastos JL. To extract or to retain the tooth? Color/race and clinical decision making among undergraduate students from Southern Brazil. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 2017, 17(1):e3700


Most recent projects

Inequity, intersectionality, and access to health services: mapping the margins in a representative Brazilian sample. Fellowship (2020 - 2021). Funding agency: CNPq/Brazil. Host organisation: UFSC/Brazil. Line manager Dr João Dornelles Bastos.


Racial inequalities in health and dental service utilisation: exploring the role of healthy lifestyle and perceived discrimination among a sample of Brazilian population. Fellowship (2019 - 2020). Funding agency: CAPES/Brazil. Host organisation: UFSC/Brazil. Line manager Dr João Dornelles Bastos.


The relationship between colour/race and dental service utilisation: exploring individual and contextual determinants amongst a national sample of Brazilian adults. (2015-2019). Funding agency: CNPq/Brazil. Host organisation: UCL/UK. Supervisors: Prof Richard G. Watt and Prof Georgios Tsakos.

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